Tuesday 3 September 2013

Week 3: Learning Cycles and Guided Inquiry

This week we are focusing on student achievement and how it can be achieved by different  applications of planning models ultimately encouraging student inquiry. 

  • Curriculum planning models are a useful tool for teachers as they collaborate what needs to be done. The 5 stages of curriculum planning is understanding the context, planning and resourcing, implementation, continuous monitoring and evaluation and review.
  • Inquiry based learning is student focused and enhances high order thinking. 
  • World wide web is a useful resource to use in the classroom to support student inquiry. In the 21st century, technology is everywhere and so it is vital that ICT be incorporated in the lesson and students know how to collaborate information from the web.
  • Case studies and scenarios should be incorporated to support inquiry based learning as it is student centered and enhances the student to think critically, analyse and ultimately use their own experiences to gain and acquire more knowledge

Can you identify other models or strategies from the literature that would support this type of learning?
Instructional Strategies: Modeling 
  • The teacher makes sure to clearly describe the concept, then models the desired outcome by using visual, auditory, tactile, and/or kinesthetic instructional techniques while thinking aloud.
  • This technique of modeling provides high levels of student-teacher interaction. 
  • There are various types of modeling strategies, such as;
  • Task and Performance Modelingteacher demonstrates a task students will be expected to do on their own
  • Meta cognitive Modelingdemonstrates how to think in lessons that focus on interpreting information and data, analyzing statements, and making conclusions about what has been learned.
  • ScaffoldingTeachers first model the task for students, and then students begin the assigned task and work through the task at their own pace
  • Student centered modelingteachers engage students who have mastered specific concepts or learning outcomes in the task of modeling for their peers

How does this model address various learning styles?
  • This modeling technique uses various learning styles, such as group work, student-teacher interaction
  • Provides step by step scaffolding for students
  • Provides supportive environments for student learning
  • Active learners through support
  • Visual and Verbal learners
  • Sequential learners

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