Friday 13 September 2013

Week 6: Design Related Task- Product Testing and Analysis


Product:                       Salt and Vinegar Chips
Claim:                          Salt and Vinegar chips do not vary much in taste
Pre- test Activity:         Discussion of the range of salt and vinegar chips and of claims made by manufacturers
Requirements:            1. Committee of students obtain samples of 5 different brands of salt and vinegar chips. A quantity of tasting paper plates, a quantity of unidentifiable containers, and scarves for blindfolding.
                                      2. Recorder who will note the taste panel preferences into a spread sheet or a table directly on a tablet or laptop
Procedure                   1.  Committee appoints a taste panel of about 6.

                                      2.  The chips are placed into the numbered, unidentified containers (out of sight of the rest!)
Each taste-tester is blindfolded and eats a sample of each salt and vinegar chip
                                      4.      The votes of each taste tester for each of the chips are recorded into a spreadsheet or table directly on a tablet or laptop.
                                      5.      Containers are identified, and another taste panel  test.

A series of 6 lessons was developed from the Stage 6 HSC syllabus unit of Food 
Product Development to cover the above.

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