Monday 23 September 2013

Week 8: KWL Chart- My Personal Learning Goals

Date: Week 8: 18th October 2013

What we Know
What We Want to Find Out
What We’ve Learned
Stage 6 Syllabus
What needs to be taught
Outcomes and requirements
How to use the syllabus in lesson planning
Teaching strategies
  • Problem based learning
  • Interactive teaching
  • Critical and creative thinking strategies

Different techniques and strategies, e.g. Case studies, milling, group work, concept maps, brainstorming, discussions
Curriculum Development
Lesson Planning
  • Designing effective lessons using guided inquiry or the 5E model
  • Addition of interactive methods and use of ICT in lesson planning

Preliminary and HSC Assessment 
  • Appropriate ways to assess students
  • Why choice of assessment is important
  • How assessment is organised

  • Brainstorming of ideas for assessment tasks and strategies for the preliminary/HSC outcomes
  • Developing an assessment task/design brief for stage 6 preliminary
  •       Developing marking criteria for design brief/assessment task
  •       Developing assessment schedule, including components and weightings, synopsis, and outcomes

Marking Criteria for stage 6 exams
  • How to design and create marking criteria for HSC exam
  •  Appropriate Bands and weightings for each question

  •      How to design marking criteria
  • ·    How to assess and mark appropriately the HSC exam according to the bands

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Week 8: Marking Criteria for HSC

This week we focused on the marking criteria guidelines for Food Technology HSC exam. 

A sample paper and marking guidelines were given and we designed our own marking criteria for a sample question. 

Below is the attempt we made

Question 16 – Food Manufacture
Question 16 (a)
Marking Criteria
  •          Provides a thorough explanation of the causes of food spoilage and deterioration and uses appropriate examples to support answer

  •           Provides an explanation of the causes of food spoilage and deterioration and uses appropriate examples to support answer

  •           Provides an explanation of the causes of food spoilage and deterioration and uses few appropriate examples to support answers

  •          Provides an outline of the causes of food spoilage and deterioration and uses few or no examples to support answer

  •           Lists the causes of food spoilages and deterioration with little or no evidence of examples


Question 16 (b)
  •          Two preservation techniques identified and their principles in food preservation  are thoroughly discussed in the context of the nominated technique
  •          Relationship between principle and technique with examples are strongly made

  •         One to two principles identified and their relationship to each technique has been discussed
  •            Relationship between the principles and techniques itself not fully developed

  •            Two reasons listed but explanation of the principles are not well discussed
  •           Relationship between principles and  techniques poorly addressed

  •          One to two principles listed and their relationship to techniques are outlined
  •         Relationship between the principles and techniques has been discussed

  •           One or no techniques listed
  •            Poor attempts to link techniques with examples  


Below is the actual marking criteria for the question.
It can be seen that we were pretty much on target, however some key syllabus verbs were not used and the guidelines for part b should have been broken down a little more. The criteria was also broken down a little further to address each technique and principle as the question only asked for 2.

Question 16 (b)
  •         Discusses two preservation techniques and relates them to the principles of food preservation involved
  •            Clear linkage between technique and principle
  •            Provides one example for each technique identified

  •            Discusses two preservation techniques and relates these to the preservation principles involved
  •            Some linkage between technique and principle
  •            Provides one example for each technique

  •            Outlines two preservation techniques and lists the principles of food preservation involved in each process
  •            Some linkage between technique and principle
  •            Provides one example for each technique

  •            Lists and briefly outlines two preservation techniques and the preservation principle involved in each process
  •            Poor linkage of technique and principle
  •            Provides one example for each technique  

  •            Lists two preservation techniques and lists relevant principles of food preservation involved in each process
  •            Provides no examples or examples are incorrect

  •            Lists one preservation technique and/or principle of food preservation, yet provides no link or example


What not to do!

Friday 13 September 2013

Week 7: Assessing Stage 6 Preliminary and HSC Outcomes

  • Teachers plan assessment to fit the planned learning experience
  • Assessment should be varied and presented formally to HSC students
  • There are a variety of different ways to assess students in stage 6 that helps teachers to assess the outcomes required.
  • Choice of assessment is important in both preliminary and HSC years- It promotes motivation in students as they decide the topic that interests them. It also makes them responsible for their learning and can help them to evaluate themselves as learners and improve on their skills and knowledge. 

HSC Preliminary Assessment Strategies

Preliminary Outcome
Possible Assessment Tasks and Strategies
P 1.1  Identifies and discusses a range of historical and contemporary factors which influence the availability of particular foods

  • Case studies
  • Research
  • Oral Presentation

P 1.2 Accounts for individual and group             food selection patterns in terms of             physiological, psychological, social           and economic factors
  • Case Studies
  • Research Task
  • Oral Presentation

P 2.1 Explains the role of food nutrients in           human nutrition
  • Menu Planning
  • Case Studies
  • Research Task
  • Oral Presentation

P 2.2 Identifies and explains the sensory             characteristics and functional                     properties of food
  • Oral Presentation
  • Taste Test Experiment
  • Questionnaire
  • Knowledge Test

P 3.1 Assesses the nutrient value of meals/diets for particular individuals and groups

  • Case Studies
  • Diet Planning
  • Research Task
  • Group Assignment

P 3.2 Presents ideas in written, graphic             and oral form using computer                     software where appropriate.
  • Powerpoint Presentation
  • Essay
  • Oral Presentation
  • Poster

P4.1 Selects appropriate equipment,                applies suitable techniques, and                utilises safe and hygienic practices            when handling food
  • Cooking Skills Assessed
  • Experimental Procedures
  • Case Study
  • Assignment on Health and Safety
  • Field work

P 4.2 Plans, prepares and presents foods which reflect a range of the influences on food selection

  • Case Studies
  • Food Presentation
  • Food Preparation
  • Cooking skills
  • Research Assignment with cooking involved

P4.3  Selects foods, plans and prepares meals/diets to achieve optimum nutrition for individuals and groups

  • Meal Plans
  • Oral Presentation
  • Case study on the different groups
  • Video

P4.4 Applies an understanding of the                sensory characteristics and                        functional properties of food to the            preparation of food products
  • Design own food product
  • Product Testing
  • Group work
  • Research activity
  • Cooking activity

P 5.1 Generates ideas and develops                 solutions to a range of food                         situations
  • Developing food product
  • Research assignment
  • Diet plan
  • Case studies on global food situations 

Stage 6 Preliminary Design Brief 

Food Technology
  • Develop a recipe
  • Choose a recipe to be cooked
  • Prepare the recipe chosen

Syllabus topic area:
Select foods, plans and prepares meals and diets to achieve optimum nutrition for individual and groups.
Design Brief:
Create a nutrient rich recipe suitable for a person who is aged between 16-18 who is overweight according to their BMI, which could be cooked during a practical lesson

All students will submit their recipe ideas and only 2 will be chosen by the class to be cooked during the next practical.

Design Situation:
During your everyday life it is essential to be able to cook nutrient rich food for yourself in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Cost of ingredients, Time to cook the meal

In this task you will be assessed on your ability to:
1.     P 4.3 Selects foods, plans and prepares meals/diets to achieve optimum nutrition for individuals and groups

2.     P4.1 Selects appropriate equipment, applies suitable techniques, and utilises safe and hygienic practices when handling food
3.     P 3.1 Assesses the nutrient value of meals/diets for particular individuals and groups
Part 1 Marking guidelines:
Band 6
  • Demonstrates extensive and detailed knowledge and understanding of contemporary food issues
  • Displays a high degree of interpretive, analytical and reporting skills in dealing with food technology concepts
  • Demonstrates evidence of well-developed critical thinking skills in debate and discussion of issues surrounding relevant food technologies
  • Designs creative solutions to food technology issues
  • Displays expertise in applying theoretical concepts to a comprehensive range of practical activities in food technology

15 (90% +)
Band 5

  • Demonstrates a thorough knowledge and understanding contemporary food issues
  • Displays competence in applying this knowledge to a range of practical activities in food technology
  • Effectively communicates information using specific technical detail and accurate terminology
  • Clearly demonstrates the ability to interpret, analyse and organise information
  • Shows evidence of critical thinking in discussion of issues surrounding relevant food technologies

12 (80%+)
Band 3-4
  • Demonstrates a sound knowledge and understanding of contemporary food issues
  • Displays skill in applying knowledge to a range of practical activities in food technology
  • Communicates successfully using appropriate terminology
  • Analyses and interprets information with attempts to organise thoughts and ideas

7.5 (50%)
Band 1-2
  • Recalls general information about food
  • Communicates using basic terminology and simple explanations
  • Applies basic food facts to a limited number of practical activities in food technology
  • Displays some comprehension of content with a limited application of knowledge

7 – 0 (<50%)


Stage 6 Preliminary Assessment schedule 

Food Technology – Preliminary HSC 2013 Assessment Schedule

Outcomes Assessed
Assessment Description
Term 1
Week 10
Research Task
P1.1 P1.2
Research factors that affect food availability and selection
Term 2
Week 6/7/8
Case Study and practical task
P3.1 P4.2 P4.3 P5.1
Case study on a given company’s food quality assurance program
Term 3
Week 6/7
Research survey and practical task
P2.1 P3.2 P4.1 P4.3 P5.1
Research Survey on students diets and their nutrition requirements
Term 3

Week 8/9/10
Preliminary Yearly Examination
P1.1 P1.2 P2.1 P2.2 P3.1 P5.1


Components and Weightings
Knowledge and understanding of food technology
Skills in researching, analysing and communicating food issues
Skills in experimenting with and preparing food by applying theoretical concepts
Skills in designing, implementing and evaluating solutions to food situations

Synopsis of Preliminary Course
% of Course
Food Availability and Selection
Food Quality
The Australian Food Industry


Food Technology Preliminary HSC Outcomes
A student:
P 1.1 Identifies and discusses a range of historical and contemporary factors which influence the                  availability of particular foods

P 1.2 Accounts for individual and group food selection patterns in terms of physiological,                              psychological, social and economic factors

P 2.1 Explains the role of food nutrients in human nutrition

P 2.2 Identifies and explains the sensory characteristics and functional properties of food

P 3.1 Assesses the nutrient value of meals/diets for particular individuals and groups

P 3.2 Presents ideas in written, graphic and oral form using computer software where appropriate.

P 4.1 Selects appropriate equipment, applies suitable techniques, and utilises safe and hygienic                  practices when handling food

P 4.2 Plans, prepares and presents foods which reflect a range of the influences on food selection

P 4.3 Selects foods, plans and prepares meals/diets to achieve optimum nutrition for individuals and            groups

P 4.4 Applies an understanding of the sensory characteristics and functional properties of food to the          preparation of food products

P 5.1 Generates ideas and develops solutions to a range of food situations